Class of 2022

The 2022 Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level Examination saw our students perform exceptionally well, and we are thrilled to celebrate their outstanding achievements.
The Class of 2022 demonstrated remarkable resilience, overcoming various hurdles to learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are immensely proud of you and wish you great success in your future pursuits.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our teachers, parents, and partners for their unwavering support and encouragement, which played a vital role in our students' accomplishments. Nil Sine Labore!
Victoria is Something More
Aaron Sim, Victoria School |#whyvj The best part of my VJ experience was its kind and supportive people who shared my passion for learning.

From a young age, Aaron was diagnosed with Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy and Asperger's Syndrome and requires the use of a wheelchair daily. Regardless, Aaron never allowed his disability to define him. Aaron was actively involved in all of the College’s activities – from participating actively during his JC1 Orientation, to cheering on his schoolmates at external venues during the 2022 National School Games, Aaron’s care and support for the people around him have earned him friendship and respect from his peers.
Aaron is also an advocate for persons with disabilities, and active contributor to the wider community. Aaron participated in para-canoeing sessions held at MacRitchie reservoir and volunteered with the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Singapore, while balancing his academic workload and commitments.
Aaron’s very fulfilling two years in Victoria Junior College was made possible by a close parent-college partnership and a warm and enabling school environment. Beyond the College’s wheelchair-friendly facilities, Aaron cites the warmth and generosity of his peers and teachers as the main reasons why he was able to live his JC life to the fullest. Aaron’s mother, who was his ever-present primary care-giver, also worked closely with the College to provide Aaron with her unwavering support, and remains an endearing and inspirational figure on campus, to students and staff alike.
Deborah Tan Chay Yee, Cedar Girls’ School | #whyvj All the people I’ve met in VJ! Having some of the craziest, most fun and supportive friends by my side has made every school experience even more enjoyable, and made me look forward to school. I think that in VJ there’s just the right balance of work and play, which I really love.

It’s certainly not every day that you find a whole family of Victorians. Deborah however, is proud and happy to be the most recent member of her family to graduate from VJC. She follows in the footsteps of her brother (Davy Tan, 18S411) and parents (Mr Winston Tan, 90S25 and Ms Elaine Gay, 91C64)!
Deborah expressed how glad she was to have carried on this legacy, and that this common experience imbued VJC with a greater sense of home. She also found it particularly poignant that, despite having attended the same school, they have nonetheless each forged their own unique and precious memories of the College during their time here. For Deborah, these include representing the College in Floorball during the National School Games, along with guiding her juniors as an Initiation Group Leader and Orientation Group Leader.
Fukushima Mizuki, St. Hilda’s Secondary School | #whyvj The close ties that I make with the people around me and the supportive and ever-loving community in place for everyone.

Mizuki served the College as the President of the 38th Students’ Council. A driven and compassionate student-leader, Mizuki’s sensitivity to team building and communication allowed her to develop and thrive in synergistic relationships with the people around her. She worked harmoniously with the student body to execute various College-wide events to offer every Victorian the opportunity to develop as a great student-leader and role model. In managing events with close to a thousand participants, Mizuki demonstrated strong problem-solving and orgainsational skills that contributed to the success of many College-wide events.
As a representative of the student body, Mizuki is fondly known by the College for her welcoming personality and collaborative leadership style. Her infectious smile and sincerity fostered a supportive and ever-loving community. She is also a well-loved thespian in the VJ Theatre Studies and Drama community. Her passion for life and positive presence is a joy to have on and off stage.
Arshul Garg, Victoria School | #whyvj I found purpose in looking out for Victorians in any little way I could, and this has made me become a lot more aware of the world around me.

With courage and passion on his side, Arshul chose to take up the mantle of leadership and was elected as Vice-President of the Students’ Council. Understanding others and building relationships was his specialty and through serving the College, Arshul learned to be more aware of the world around him and positioned himself as an all-rounded leader. Arshul’s leadership potential was evident with his involvement in the National Young Leaders’ Fellowship, a nine-month programme organised by Halogen Foundation where participants get to interact with leaders from the public and private sectors.
Arshul participated in the College Grassroots and Governance Programme, where he attended Meet-the-People sessions held at residential areas to better understand the everyday concerns faced by the ordinary citizen, and was also actively involved with the St. Andrew's Autism Centre. Arshul did all these, on top of his academic pursuits, where he also took on Chemistry at the H3 level.
Arshul embodies the values of a true Victorian and we are truly proud of his accomplishments. We know that he will continue to lead and serve with courage and compassion.
Tay Tian Ning Faith, Methodist Girls’ School | #whyvj My people in VJC. A leader is nothing without her team.

Leadership was a very important part of Faith’s JC life where she excelled at bringing people together. She thrived on high-intensity situations, encouraging her peers to unlock their fullest potential in many areas of college life. Being in a position where others looked up to her was a source of pride to her and she excelled in leading by example.
As the Vice-Captain of the College Netball Team and CLiC (Connecting Leaders in Camp) facilitator, Faith’s inspirational leadership skills were at the forefront. Always positive and encouraging, she never allowed herself or her teammates to be disheartened in times of trial. Her hard work paid off when she led her team to emerge as Champions in the National School Games Netball Championship A-Division in 2022, a truly joyful moment for the College, her team and for herself.
We are proud of Faith’s achievements and are sure she will continue to lead and serve with courage and compassion.
Vaithiyanathan Posshika, Cedar Girls’ School | #whyvj The numerous opportunities to participate in events which allowed me to form many new connections. Despite JC being stressful at times, my supportive friends and teachers along with precious memories from such events made my experience very wholesome.

With a willing heart and a helpful pair of hands, Posshika made the most out of her College experience. She made it a point to go above and beyond her given responsibilities, and created opportunities to serve others.
Posshika volunteered with Willing Hearts to help prepare food for the less fortunate and taught Primary 1 students to read with the Heartware Network Learning Together Programme. She was also part of Project Exulansis, in collaboration with Silver Ribbon (Singapore), where she helped to raise funds and distributed brownies and merchandise. Together with the Outdoor Activities Club (ODAC), she volunteered her services in the Housing Development Board Joint Singles Scheme, organised by Good News Community Services, to clean up rental flats. Together with members of the Interact Club and her fellow Indian Cultural Society (ICS) Executive Committee members, Posshika embarked on a community service project with ItsRainingRaincoats, where they organised a donation drive and rallied their peers to write appreciation cards for migrant workers.
Going above and beyond, and putting others before herself, Posshika has truly served with her head, heart and hands.
Nadia Koh Binte Mohd Haiquel, Tanjong Katong Girls’ School | #whyvj The supportive and wholesome community! The friends and teachers I met in VJ have picked me up when I was at my lowest. I know the memories I made with them will stay with me for a long time!

A sincere and caring young lady, Nadia found her calling in community involvement. An active member of the VJC Interact Club, she committed to weekly sessions to tutor primary school pupils from lower income households and monthly volunteer sessions with beneficiaries from the Association for Persons with Special Needs (APSN). Her passion for community service prompted her to upskill and learn Singapore Sign Language and she is currently interning with the Child Protection Unit at the Ministry of Social and Family Development, where she helps to manage cases involving vulnerable young persons.
VJC, Nadia’s devotion to community work was all the more commendable as she was also a Student Councillor. As Ad-hoc Head for JC1 Orientation, she led her team with positivity and verve to create an uplifting first experience for the freshmen, though she had to keep up with evolving safe management guidelines. Most importantly, she did it with tremendous grace and a reassuring smile on her face, so as to raise the spirits of those around her.
Nadia possesses a deep conviction that small acts can make a huge difference to the community. Unassuming and mature, Nadia is the epitome of kindness and a true inspiration for her peers.
Teo Wei Xian, Dominique, Cedar Girls’ School | #whyvj VJ has provided me with an incredibly nurturing environment and gave me the confidence to step out of my comfort zone, take up new roles and try many different things. I’ve learnt a lot during my 2 years here and I couldn’t have done it without the support of my friends and teachers!

In more ways than one, Dominique was a wearer of many hats throughout her time in College. On top of her role as Student Councillor, Dominique was generous with her time and passionate about social causes. In 2021, she took part in the Youth Action Challenge organised by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth and her group’s proposal to help lower-wage workers upgrade their skills won a cash grant from the National Youth Council to execute their ideas. Their entry was eventually picked by the Ministry of Manpower to be implemented under the guidance of the Alliance for Action for Lower-Wage Workers.
Dominique also played a pioneering role in setting up Beanie Bros, a student-initiated group focussed on crocheting. More meaningfully, the group crocheted close to 300 beanie caps for beneficiaries of the Singapore Cancer Society. For their innovative and enterprising spirit, Dominique and her team were also conferred the Victorian Pioneer Award.
An enthusiastic and determined leader who goes out of her way to help her fellow man, Dominique truly embodies the meaning of serving with conviction and compassion.
Kuek Qiao Jun Charlotte, Anglican High School | #whyvj The cozy chair in the art room with a beautiful Murakami flower sitting on it - a wonderful reminder of the work and play that encapsulates my time in VJ.

This talented young lady defined excellence as utilising one’s skills to uplift the community. It is hence no surprise that Charlotte’s design works have been widely circulated in VJC. From La Bear stickers and files to the VJC Science and Technology logo, Charlotte has definitely made her mark here. Charlotte and her team also snagged the Champion Trophy in the 2022 N.E.mation! (Student/Youth Category). Staying true to their values of broadcast optimism, her team highlighted how individuals have a big role to play in spreading positivity amidst the negative headlines seen during the pandemic. Charlotte’s excellence in the Arts and Humanities is also apparent with her being awarded the MOE Humanities Scholarship.
We are certain we will see more of Charlotte’s creative works in the future as she seeks to create the future with courage and compassion.
Skyler Ng Ynn Zee, Cedar Girls’ School | #whyvj The little things like studying with my friends in the treehouse, practicing the Harmonica with my CCA mates after school, and joking around with my classmates. All these experiences made me feel like I have a community I could rely on, even when things got stressful!

Skyler’s fascination with computers was deepened in VJC when she took
up H2 Computing and participated in numerous Robotics competitions, such
as the prestigious Nanyang Technological University OneArena Challenge.
Skyler thrived in Computing and also excelled in Science and Mathematics.
It was no surprise that she was awarded the A*STAR Science Award in 2021
she took up H3 Physics in JC2.
Skyler’s drive for excellence went beyond the classroom. As Chairperson of the Harmonica Band, she demonstrated grit and tenacity in leading them through public performances, despite picking up the instrument only in JC1. Skyler was also selected as a facilitator for the Connecting Leaders in Camp (CLIC), where she guided the JC1 student leaders through their leadership journey.
Skyler’s pursuit for excellence whilst serving her peers is a commendable trait that we all admire.
Nur Iman Shah Bin Nazarudin, Victoria School | #whyvj The people I’ve met in these 2 years - from my football team to my classmates, we go through many ups and downs together, juggling both studies and our CCAs. But the support we give each other is what helps us push through and make life much more bearable.

Iman is charismatic both on and off the pitch. As Vice-Captain of the Football Boys’ Team, he worked alongside his fellow captains to ensure the team was developing their skills well. His affable personality saw him play a crucial role in building camaraderie amongst his teammates. For his exploits on the field and stellar academic performance, Iman was awarded the VJC Scholarship in Appreciation of Mrs Lee Phui Mun, and winning the Champion trophy for the A Division Football was certainly a proud moment for this talented young man.
Despite having to train five times a week during peak season, Iman found the time to pursue his other passion – singing. Inspired by his brother, he took part in numerous performances, most notably VJC’s very own Musicfest. Iman also gave a surprise performance for his peers to spur them on before the A-Level Examinations.
Despite coming from a humble background, Iman takes every opportunity to give back. Using his musical talents, Iman participated in Concert Felix organised by MudaSG, a youth volunteer group under M3 (MUIS, Mendaki and Mesra), and to raise funds for Muhammadiyah Welfare Home. An empathetic and respectful leader who always puts his people at the core, Iman has won the hearts and minds of the college community.
Yeo Jun Wei, Victoria School | #whyvj The true friends that I’ve made over the past 2 years - we went through so much together in such a short span of time. JC is indeed challenging but cheering each other on especially during tough times where we felt like giving up boosted our morale to strive for the best we can!

Jun Wei’s sporting excellence was evident when he was selected to be a member of the Singapore National Wushu Federation and represented Singapore in international competitions. What was admirable was the fact that his routine for these international competitions differed from the National School Games (NSG). Jun Wei persevered with the intensive training on both fronts, whilst juggling his studies. His steely spirit and determination paid off when he was crowned the Champion for the Games’ 1st International 42 Style Taijiquan individual event in 2021 and achieved an excellent set of results in his examinations.
Jun Wei’s sporting prowess was recognised by the Singapore Schools Sports Council (SSSC) in 2022 with the SSSC Colours Awards where he was accorded the Best Sports Boy for Wushu title.
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